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JRMC 7014


JRMC 7014

What role did this course play in my EM journey?

This class helped me on my capstone journey by guiding me through the process of creating a project brief, building an alpha presentation, and finishing with a beta presentation and beta game design. The project brief provided a clear outline and direction for your capstone project, while the alpha presentation allowed me to present my initial ideas and get feedback from my peers and instructors. The beta presentation and game design allowed me to incorporate any changes and improvements based on the feedback I received, and presented a more polished and complete version of my project. Overall, the class provided structure and support as I worked on my capstone project, helping me to bring my idea to life and present them effectively to my audience.

Project Brief

The project brief is a comprehensive and cohesive document that will serve as a roadmap for the development of my Capstone project. It has been divided into several parts, each of which will provide important information about my project, the problem it addresses, my target audience, the market, and the competition. This foundational research will be crucial in guiding every decision I make during the development and marketing of my project.

Alpha Presentation

My alpha presentation was an important step in the development of my project, as it allowed me to test out my ideas and get feedback from my peers and instructors. Through the process of preparing for the alpha presentation, I was able to figure out what information was most relevant and important to present and what could be removed or streamlined. The alpha presentation also gave me the opportunity to do a dry run of my live game presentation, allowing me to practice my delivery and get a sense of how my presentation would be received. Overall, the alpha presentation was an invaluable tool in helping me to craft a clear, concise, and engaging presentation for my project.

Beta Presentation

After my alpha presentation, I was able to use the feedback I received to make improvements and enhancements to my beta presentation and game design. This involved revising my slide deck to better communicate my ideas, adding new content and features to my game design. I also addressed some concerns and questions that were raised during my alpha presentation. By incorporating this feedback, I was able to create a more polished and complete beta presentation and game design that better reflected my vision and goals for my project.