Project 1 Reflection

For my first project, I wanted to create the home, about me, and skills pages for my personal NMI webpage. I made a new logo, title and I found a font package that I think will serve me well as my website evolves. Throughout this project, I ended up with five different variations with different levels of working functionality. One of my variations looked great on the title page, but the subsequent pages didn't perform as expected, so I started over on my code and applied those learned trial and error lessons on my eventual finished webpage. One of my biggest problems was getting my title and logo images to line up correctly on the screen. I would adjust the code for one of the images, and my background was suddenly not covering the webpage, or I would get my title centered, but my logo was in random locations on the different pages. Through thorough analysis, my code's ordering was the problem, and once that was fixed, my web page was getting closer to what I had envisioned.

After problem-solving my web page (Thanks to professor Weatherford), I started to pay attention to how I labeled different HTML elements and how those names related to the CSS pages. I experimented with different HTML text formatting styles to elevate my About Me text. Using a few color Variables helped streamline my style sheet color placements, and using hover elements over the navbar text gave life and some interactivity that users have become accustomed. I added variation by mix and matching the image elements I used with a headshot, title image, and an embedded resume. I enjoyed the challenges of creating this webpage and will use the knowledge learned and transition that into the next project to create a much higher level presentation.

Ryan Fernandez 6110E- New Media Productions 11:10 Class